Category: Blog

  • PLC software documentation, flowcharts and state diagrams

    Random thoughts… Just found this basic yet interesting article on my rss feed: It highlight the fact that in real life documenting a PLC software is still considered a simplified version of the “real software documentation” process, unfortunately. But during reading the referred article we should also remember that 61131-3 standard defines an…

  • Qualche appunto sul backup dei dati

    Si parlava con un amico di come “fare il backup del portatile” e ho notato come al giorno d’oggi ci sia ancora tanta confusione a riguardo. Ho deciso cosi’ di dedicare il mio primo post in Italiano proprio a quest’argomento. Non c’e’ ovviamente una soluzione universale al problema, ma la seguente e’ una strategia abbastanza…

  • What’s wrong with PLC editors, seriously?

    If you don’t use Git you’re ugly and stupid. Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git, 2007 After so many years most of us PLC software developers are still ugly and stupid people, wasting our time and our employers’ money fiddling around with zip files with weird names, duplicated content and a software delivery process which…

  • How to use my blog

    There are different ways you can use my blog. The most common one is adding it to your bookmarks. And then you’ll forget about it forever. Another one is waiting for my posts to be shared on Facebook, Diaspora, Linkedin, Wechat, Twitter. And you’ll probably miss most of them because of the incredible amount of…